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2423-3757 :pISSN

3060-592X :eISSN

Quranic and Hadith Researches of Modares (Translation Studies of Quran and Hadith)

  • Editor-in-Chief: Nosrat Nilsaz
  • Manager-in-Charge: Ali Haji Khani
  • Publisher: Tarbiat Modares University
  • Journal Type: Scientific
  • Publication Period: Semi-Annualy
  • Access Policy: Open
  • Publication Format: Electronic
Quranic and Hadith Researches of Madras is one of the TMU Press journals that is published by the responsibility of its Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board in the determined scopes.
Objectives and Scope of the Journal
a. Quranic and Hadith research related to contemporary discourses and approaches. 
b. Interdisciplinary Quranic and Hadith research. 
c. Quranic and Hadith studies focused on solving social and emerging issues with an emphasis on addressing problems within the Islamic system. 
d. Research on the understanding and interpretation of the Quran and Hadith using literary, linguistic, and semantic methods, as well as examining and evaluating the translation of Quranic and Hadith terms and propositions.

Article Review Policy
The review process for articles in this journal is refereed, meaning the names of the reviewers are anonymous to the authors and vice versa. The submitted articles are aligned with the principles of comparative law research and undergo structural and thematic evaluation. The articles are then reviewed by three expert reviewers (not on the editorial team), selected by the board based on their expertise.
Responsibilities of Reviewers: 
- Assist the editor-in-chief in the assessment and final decision regarding the articles. In fact, they help authors enhance their articles through the editor and editorial board.  
Dear reviewers, please: 
- If lacking sufficient expertise to review the articles, kindly withdraw promptly. 
- Consider the PDF file as confidential and refrain from any unauthorized use. 
- Conduct the review of articles accurately, objectively, without personal bias, and provide clear and precise feedback. 
- Identify relevant previously published works without citation and report any potential plagiarism or overlap with other publications.

The journal emphasizes the confidentiality of information and ideas, the avoidance of personal gain, and the review of articles with attention to conflicts of interest.

Access Type
Open and free access (full text) 
This journal is an open-access publication, meaning that all content is freely available to users and institutions without any cost. Users are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of the articles, or use them for other legal purposes as long as they provide proper attribution. This is allowed without obtaining prior permission from the publisher or author.

Publication Ethics
This journal operates in accordance with ethical publishing standards governed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the law on preventing and combating fraud in scientific works.

Access License:
This journal is under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial" license (CC BY-NC).

Fees Charged to Authors:
Authors are informed that this journal charges a total of 600,000 Tomans (in two stages: 200,000 Tomans for review and 400,000 Tomans for publication).

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Self-Archiving Policies for Authors
Authors are allowed to post their works online in institutional/disciplinal repositories or on their own websites. Preprints submitted online must include a citation and a link to the final published version in the journal as soon as the issue is available. Post print versions (including the publisher's final PDF) should also include a citation and a link to the journal's website.

Copyright Regulations
Under the open-access license, authors retain copyright ownership of their content but allow anyone to download, reuse, republish, modify, distribute, and/or copy their content, provided that the original authors and source are properly cited.
Peer-review process
All submitted articles are evaluated at the submission to meet the structural and subject principles of Modares Quranic and Hadith Researches. The matched articles will gone under a double-blinded peer-review process by at least 3 reviewers (expert in the field who are not part of the journal’s editorial staff) who are selected by the Editorial Board members according to their field specialties. The Editorial Board members have the final responsibility to select the articles.
Governing body
Modares Quranic and Hadith Researches is under the scientific control of Editorial Board whose members are recognized experts in the subject areas included within the journal’s scope. Some executive roles of the Editorial Board members are delegated to the Editor-in-Chief who is well-known in the journal’s scope.
Editorial team
Modares Quranic and Hadith Researches is under the scientific supervision of the Editorial Team whose members are all experts with high number of publications in their field.
Author fees/Access
There are No Fees or Charges at all for submission, reviewing and publishing processes in Modares Quranic and Hadith Researches.
Modares Quranic and Hadith Researches follows the Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing.
The content of Modares Quranic and Hadith Researches is under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License. To the extent this Public License may be interpreted as a contract, we are granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of your acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the Licensor grants you such rights in consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from making the Licensed Material available under these terms and conditions.
Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct
Publisher and editors of Modares Quranic and Hadith Researches are reasonable to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, including plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication, among others. In doing so, Modares Quranic and Hadith Researches follows COPE’s guidelines in dealing with allegations.
Ownership and management
Modares Quranic and Hadith Researches is owned by Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, and is managed and published by YektaPub Co.
Conflicts of interests
All Modares Quranic and Hadith Researches Editorial Board members and the Editor-in-Chief submitted articles are gone under the same reviewing process as the other authors gone. In the cases that a reviewer suspects undisclosed conflict of interest in a submitted manuscript or a reader suspects undisclosed conflict of interest in a published article (all authors are filling the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest at the submission time) Modares Quranic and Hadith Researches will follow COPE’s guidelines.
Revenue sources/Advertising/Direct marketing
Modares Quranic and Hadith Researches is financially supported completely by Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, and has no other sources for earning funds. Modares Quranic and Hadith Researches accepts No advertisements in the site or even as a report article.
Publishing schedule/Archiving
Modares Quranic and Hadith Researches is published 4 issues per year. All the content from the beginning to the end will be available for ever on Modares Quranic and Hadith Researches exclusive website. Also Modares Quranic and Hadith Researches is included at EBSCOhost and has the plan to enter to Scopus and Thomson-Reuters databases.


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Hajikhani, Ali;
 Assistant Professor of Quran and Hadith Sciences
Affiliation: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: mmtqh@modares.ac.ir
Tel: -
Najafi Asadollahi, Saeed; Professor of Persian Language and Literature
Affiliation: Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
Email: mmt@modares.ac.ir
Tel: -
Editorial Board

Bozorg Bigdeli, Saeid;
Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature
Affiliation: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: bozorghs@modares.ac.ir
Tel: +98 (21) 82883613
Hajikhani, Ali; Assistant Professor of Quran and Hadith Sciences
Affiliation: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: mmtqh@modares.ac.ir
Tel: -
Rostampour, Roghayeh; Associate Professor Of Arabic Language and Literature
Affiliation: Al Zahra University, Tehran, Iran
Email: rostampour2020@yahoo.com
Tel: -
Roohi, Kavous; Associate Professor of Quran and Hadith Sciences
Affiliation: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: k.roohi@modares.ac.ir
Tel: -
Fattahizadeh, Fathiyeh; Associate Professor of Quran and Hadith Science
Affiliation: Al Zahra University, Tehran, Iran
Email: f-fattahizadeh@alzahra.ac.ir
Tel: -
Faghizadeh, Abdul Hadi; Professor of Quran and Hadith Science
Affiliation: University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Email: drfeghhizade@gmail.com
Tel: -
Kord Zaferanlo Cambozia, Aliyeh; Associate Professor of General Linguistics
Affiliation: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: akord@modares.ac.ir
Tel: -
Mosalaeipor Yazdi, Abbas; Associate Professor of Quran and Hadith Sciences
Affiliation: Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran
Email: amusallai@yahoo.com
Tel: -
Mirhaji, Hamidreza; Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature
Affiliation: Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
Email: mirhaji_sayyed@yahoo.com
Tel: -
Nazemian, Reza; Professor of Arabic Language and Literature
Affiliation: Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
Email: reza_nazemian2003@yahoo.com
Tel: -
Najafi Asadollahi, Saeed; Professor of Persian Language and Literature
Affiliation: Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
Email: mmt@modares.ac.ir
Tel: -
Nikobakht, Naser; Professor of Persian Language and Literature
Affiliation: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: n_nikoubakht@modares.ac.ir
Tel: -

New Approaches in the Sciences of the Qur'an and Hadith publishes only articles that contain new and innovative findings on the subject of the quarterly. The editorial board always welcomes the help of professors, researchers and scholars. Researchers who are interested in publishing their articles are requested to pay attention to the following points:

- The main language of the magazine is Farsi.
- Submitted articles should not be more than 25 pages.

The typesetting of the article should be in Word 2007 or Word 2010, with a distance between single lines and margins of 2 cm from the top, 2.5 from the bottom, 2.5 from the right, and 2 from the left. In the type of articles, it is necessary to observe the semi-spacing. It is necessary to use the following fonts in writing the article: Title of the article: 14 "IR Lotus" (IrLotus)" Bold Names of authors: 12 "IR Lotus" (IrLotus) Scientific ranking of the authors: 11 "IR Lotus" (IrLotus) Abstract text: 12 "IR Lotus" (IrLotus)" Bold Keywords: 12 "IR Lotus" (IrLotus) Article text: 14 "IR Lotus" (IrLotus) Arabic text of the article: 14 "IR Lotus" (IrLotus) Verses of the Holy Quran: 12 "IR Lotus" (IrLotus) Bold The address of the verses of the Holy Quran: 14 "IrLotus" (IrLotus) such as: (Baqarah/50) References in the text: 14 "IR Lotus" (IrLotus) Arrangement of sources at the end of the article: Persian, Arabic, Latin (if given separately.) Sources at the end of the article: Farsi 12 "IR Lotus" (IrLotus)", Arabic 12 "IR Lotus" (IrLotus)", Latin 12 Time Neuroman In compiling the main article, numbers should be used to organize different parts of the article before the main and sub-headings, from the introduction to the conclusion (for example: 1-1, 1-1, 2-2, and 1-2), and after the titles, two do not come Title one number: 14 "IR Lotus" (IrLotus)" bold Two-number title: 12 "IR Lotus" (IrLotus)" Bold Title with three numbers and more: 11 "IR Lotus" (IrLotus)" Bold The referencing style in the article should be in APA or Chicago style