Volume 10, Issue 19 (2023)                   QHTS 2023, 10(19): 218-238 | Back to browse issues page

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kafimosavi A. The Role of Linguistic Context in Determining and Preferring the Meaning of the Words Jaml, Jamīl, and Jamāl. QHTS 2023; 10 (19) :218-238
URL: http://qhts.modares.ac.ir/article-10-73537-en.html
. Assistnt Professor, Department of Islamic Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran. , 1359abazarkafi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (205 Views)
Context is the collection of explicit and implicit clues within a text that gives meaning and direction to words within a sentence. Contextualization and discovering the meaning of a word based on the verse's context is a necessary prelude to understanding the intent of the verses of the Holy Quran. For this purpose, after understanding the semantic range and distinguishing the primary and secondary meanings of a word, the explicit and implicit clues in the surrounding content of the word are analyzed to prefer the most appropriate instance and meaning of the word. This study, using a critical and analytical approach, explores the derivatives of the root (Jaml). After understanding the depth of meaning and recognizing its primary and secondary uses, the verse or verses surrounding the word (Jaml) are analyzed to find an answer to the question: What is the most appropriate meaning for the derivatives of the word (Jaml) considering the context of the verse and its surrounding content? The result indicated that, contrary to the opinion of most commentators, the use of Jamāl and Jamīl in the Quran does not mean beauty, elegance, comeliness, and goodness; rather, it is better to consider the meaning of (a harmonious, organized, and balanced set) for it. Also, taking the meaning of rope or cord for the word (Jaml) in the phrase "Wa Lakum fīhā Jamāl" (al-Naḥl/6) is more appropriate because this meaning is more consistent with the context of the verse.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Arts and Humanities (General)
Received: 2024/01/22 | Accepted: 2024/04/14 | Published: 2023/09/1

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