1- Phd in Linguistics-Allameh Tabatabaee University-Tehran
Abstract: (10110 Views)
The present study deals with the senses of preposition ̎Fii̎ in the Holy Quran. The theoretical framework of this study is Cognitive Semantics. In Cognitive Semantics, the spatial sense is usually supposed to be the central and prototypical sense of spatial prepositions and other temporal, abstract, metaphoric and metonymic senses are derived from it. All uses of ̎Fii̎ were extracted from the Holy Quran and their senses were analyzed using Quran translations and Tafseer books of Almizan and Majmaolbayan. Using the achievements and theoretical tools of Cognitive Semantics such as image scheme, semantic categories , prototypical sense, semantic radial network, trajector and landmark, the writers of the study have tried to present the prototypical (central or main) sense and also other senses via metaphor and metonymy and finally they have drawn its semantic network. Findings of Cognitive Semantics reveal that the number of the senses of preposition ̎Fii̎ is more than what have been recorded in the classical literature of Arabic language and this means that Cognitive Semantics Approach is more efficient and accurate in describing the senses of the prepositions. There have been about ten senses for fii in the classical literature of Arabic including: containment, accompaniment, tendency, above, attachment, synonym of ̎Ilaa̎, synonym of ̎Min̎, comparison, substitution and emphasis, but this study offers thirteen related senses for ̎Fii̎.
Received: 2016/02/7 | Accepted: 2016/03/8 | Published: 2016/03/12