Volume 9, Issue 18 (2023)                   QHTS 2023, 9(18): 65-101 | Back to browse issues page

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gholamrezai J, soltani Z. Investigating the removing the Maʻtūfun ʻAlayh before the prefixed particle of purpose Lām on the Muḍārʻ verb in the Holy Qur'an and its effect on the verses translation. QHTS 2023; 9 (18) :65-101
URL: http://qhts.modares.ac.ir/article-10-63806-en.html
1- 4th level graduate of Qom seminary / PhD student of Islamic ethics at Qom University of Islamic Education , javad.gh313@gmail.com
2- Master's degree in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran / Ph.D. student in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran Sisters Campus.
Abstract:   (1672 Views)
One of the Quranic style is the “Maʻtūfun ʻAlayh: Lām Taʻlīl+fiʻl Muḍāriʻ (Maṣdar Muʼawwal Majrūr bi Lām and belongs to the verb existing or ordained in the verse); wāw+ Maʻtūf: Lām Taʻlīl+ fiʻl Muḍāriʻ (Maṣdar Muʼawwal Majrūr belongs to the fiʻl Maʻtūfun ʻAlayh). In these methods, Maʻtūfun ʻAlayh  and Maʻtūf  considering the Lām Taʻlīl is mentioned in them, are the reason for the verb belongs to themselves in the verse. Sometimes in these methods mentioned Maʻtūfun ʻAlayh. Sometimes mentioned Maʻtūfun ʻAlayh method and sometimes deleted. Since God is wise, the elimination of the Maʻtūfun ʻAlayh in this method has wisdom. The present study with the analytical-descriptive method examines this wisdom and its effect on translating these verses. The results indicated that the reason for deleting the Maʻtūfun ʻAlayh is the existence of secrets that the audience cannot understand it, so God almighty has eliminated the Maʻtūfun ʻAlayh to observe the audience position. The author analyzes the reason for removing the subjects of these verses, including the issues of verses express the causes of formative and legal commandment or force and authority that cannot be understood by the people. The combination of these verses is: waw ʻAtf, Lām Taʻlīl+ fiʻl Muḍāriʻ Muʼawwal (Jār wa Majrūr) that is coordinate on Maʻtūfun ʻAlayh  Muqaddar (Jār wa Majrūr) that belongs to the mentioned verb in the verse. This method of composition informs the audience in the verses translation that the mentioned Maʻtūfun ʻAlayh in the verse is not the final reason for the verb belonging to the Lām Taʻlīl, and there are high ends that in the verse have been eliminated.

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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Arts and Humanities (General)
Received: 2022/08/24 | Accepted: 2023/02/25 | Published: 2023/03/1

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