Volume 8, Issue 16 (2022)                   QHTS 2022, 8(16): 256-287 | Back to browse issues page

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Azad A, jafari S. Translation Quality of Metaphors of Hijab Quranic Verses to Persian based on Newmark Translation Theory. QHTS 2022; 8 (16) :256-287
URL: http://qhts.modares.ac.ir/article-10-51088-en.html
1- Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
2- Ferdowsi University of Mashhad , s.jafari@mail.um.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2233 Views)
Regarding the special place of metaphor in adding meaning, understanding the meanings conveyed by metaphors and translating them correctly into another language are important criteria of a translation. In this study, ten Persian translations by Ayati, Ansariyan, Elahi Ghomesheie, Salavati, Kaviyanpoor, Mousavi Garmarudi, Fuladvand, Moshkini, Makarem Shirazi, and Moezzi were studied to determine the translation quality of Quranic verses of Hijab. Although there are six verses about clothing in the Quran, five verses are in a metaphoric language. This study first studied metaphors based on two traditional and conceptual theories to accurately elicit the conveyed meanings; then, according to Newmark translation theory, it sought to show the appropriate translation of metaphors. The present study was descriptive-analytic and inferential. Analysis of metaphors based on the two theories provides the ground for a more complete and correct interpretation. The meanings based on the two theories were almost similar, resulting in more confidence in the accuracy of the obtained meanings. The study of translations showed that the translator's performance, in translating this technique, was not systematic and has not followed a specific theory. Among the translations understudy, the translations of Fuladvand, Kaviyanpoor, Garmarudi, Moshkeni, and Moezzi were more accurate in translating the metaphors and have used literal methods.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Arts and Humanities (General)
Received: 2021/03/22 | Accepted: 2021/12/3 | Published: 2022/02/9

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