Volume 6, Issue 11 (2019)                   QHTS 2019, 6(11): 137-165 | Back to browse issues page

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Gharali H, Masoumi M H, Janati Far M. Pathology of Translation of 10 Last Parts (Juz) of Quran by Moezzi and Payandeh Based on Semantic Opposition Principle. QHTS 2019; 6 (11) :137-165
URL: http://qhts.modares.ac.ir/article-10-34100-en.html
1- PhD student in arabic literature Islamic Azad University of Qom.
2- Islamic Azad University Of Qom , Dr_masomi38@yahoo.com
3- Islamic Azad University Of Qom
Abstract:   (7494 Views)

The holy Quran is an ocean of meaning, therefore translating it from Arabic language to Persian language and other languages requires the understanding of language delicacies. Today, semantics provide the readers with methods which help them understand the text better and understand its hidden meanings. In words level, the issue of conceptual relationships between the words has been raised in semantics which provide the readers with methods which help them figure out the relationships between the words of a text and detect its implications. One of these relations is semantic opposition between the words.  In this article, we have tried to understand the implications of opposite words of Quran in ten last parts of it based on semantic opposition principle using descriptive-analytical method. And we have tried to explain the pathology of these equivalents by critically reviewing Moezzi and Payandeh equivalencies. The significance and importance of this research is that it introduces some of delicacies of literary texts to the translators and shows them some of the probable challenges. Results of this research indicate that ignoring the opposition and emphasizing on basic meaning of words, not paying attention to the multiple implications of opposite words in the context, neglecting morphology of opposite words, not paying attention to the context and collocations of opposite words, and translating the opposite words with incomplete words are the most important pathologies of the two abovementioned translations which have resulted in deficiency in transferring the meaning or in redundancy in these equivalencies in some areas.

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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Arts and Humanities (General)
Received: 2019/06/22 | Accepted: 2019/08/28 | Published: 2019/09/22

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