Volume 5, Issue 10 (2019)                   QHTS 2019, 5(10): 87-110 | Back to browse issues page

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rahnama R, parchebaf dowlati M. The meanings of “min dūn Allāh” in the Contemporary Persian translations of Holy Quran revisited. QHTS 2019; 5 (10) :87-110
URL: http://qhts.modares.ac.ir/article-10-23271-en.html
1- Assosciate Professor, Al-e Taha Nonprofit-Non-governmental Higher Education Institute , reza.rahnama@gmail.com
2- teaching in quran and hadith university as assistant professor
Abstract:   (22577 Views)

The phrase of “min dūn Allāh”, in this structure or by adverbs instead of Allah, is one of the most used phrases in holy Quran, which is mentioned in holy Quran for 113 times. Studying the meaning and translation of this phrase is important because any misleads in understanding the meaning of this phrase would impact on the Islamic theology. 10 translations of those 7 verses which have involved this phrase are studied in this research. This is showed that almost all translators used those words in their translations which imply on exception, and they have translated “min dūn-i Allāh” as “except Allah” and “other (Gods) than Allah”; while refer to dictionaries and scrutinize in the meaning of the word of “min” and attention to difference between “min dūn” and “min ladun” shows that true translation of this phrase should involve the meaning of separation from God besides “except God”.

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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Arts and Humanities (General)
Received: 2018/07/20 | Accepted: 2019/02/20 | Published: 2019/03/19

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