Volume 4, Issue 8 (2018)                   QHTS 2018, 4(8): 105-132 | Back to browse issues page

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Rashidi M, Rozatian S M. Explanation of function of “want” as a rational equivalent for “Kaada” in Persian translation of Holy Quran . QHTS 2018; 4 (8) :105-132
URL: http://qhts.modares.ac.ir/article-10-16206-en.html
1- P.h.d student of Persian Language and Literature at University of Isfahan
2- Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature at University of Isfahan , rozatian@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (9634 Views)

In the Persian translations of the Holy Quran, numerous equivalents have been used for the verb “kaada” and its different forms which is a controversial issue in syntactic, interpretive and investigative works. One of these equivalents is verbal structures of the infinitive “want” that has been chosen in some of the ancient and contemporaneous translations. The present research studies the mentioned translations with a limited scope of 60 prose translations and considers whether the verb “want” is able to transmit the exact definition of “kaada” in the Holy Quran`s translations or not? Therefore, after explaining kaada`s rhetorical and syntactic features in Arabic language, it assesses the verb want features in Persian grammar and researches its rhetorical functions. Afterwards it recognizes the verses where “kaada” has been translated to want and with presenting syntactic and rhetorical reasons it explains the verb want as one of the most rational equivalents for “kaada” in Holy Quran`s translations. This research’s findings indicate that besides the main meaning of kaada it can have the meaning of willing and desiring in some verses, and the meaning of predicting, expecting and possibility in some other verses which in both cases, want in Persian language can present the same definitions and do the same functions with absolute conformation with Persian language structures.

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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Arts and Humanities (General)
Received: 2018/01/18 | Accepted: 2018/05/18 | Published: 2018/05/18

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